Kindle Fantasy Sale December 2023
If you’re in the grip of the Rys Rising series, you can march off to holy war for only $0.99. My Kindle fantasy sale for December 2023 features a deep discount on New Religion. To be honest, this is a big fat novel with plenty of characters caught up in a two-front war waged by two magical rivals. The action is relentless and yet everything is deeply character focused and emotional.
Snap up this great fantasy book. You get hours of entertainment for pennies.
Excerpt from New Religion: Rys Rising Book III

In this excerpt, a young man advances in his training for the army being massed to conquer tribal nations in the name of the Goddess Onja.
Khage watched apprehensively as each boy was taken before the rysmavda. Three more passed and two more endured the beatings of failure. Then it was Khage’s turn. When the Kezanada cut him loose, Khage stood up. He was almost as tall as the warrior, and he looked at him directly. Khage’s brave glare did not interest the warrior who flung the boy before the priests.
On his knees, Khage faced his teachers. They were of middle age, and their severe expressions were drifting toward boredom as they repeated their questions.
Khage wrangled with his anxiety and braced himself with determination. The questions came swiftly.
“Who is the keeper of your soul?”
“Onja,” Khage replied.
“Do you reject false idols?”
“Name three blessings of your Goddess.”
“Healing, peace, and mercy.”
“Who deserves mercy?”
“The believers of Onja.”
“How do you show your faith in your Goddess?”
Khage faltered. The prayers of affirmation that he had been taught suddenly eluded him. He glanced at the nearby Kezanada, who rubbed his knuckles.
“Fight for her!” Khage blurted.
One of the rysmavda smiled at the exceptionally desirable answer.
“Who do you fight for your Goddess?”
The rysmavda assessed him in silence. Khage averted his gaze. He took deep even breaths. He was not hobbled by the other boys now and intended to defend himself if the Kezanada tried to beat to him.
When the Kezanada grabbed his arm, Khage was on the verge of lashing out when he realized that he was only being directed toward the group of boys who had passed.
Jumping to his feet, he stared in shock at the rysmavda who regarded him without any appreciation for the significance of the moment. He had never succeeded before. He had never been instructed and then tested. He had not even known such things were possible for him. Elation briefly drove the stress from his body. The Kezanada cut the noose from his neck, and he privately swore to Onja that he would do anything to make sure that the noose was never put back on. Perhaps this was her first mercy as he began to serve her great purpose.