Every day you can get a 20% off the Werewolves in the Renaissance trilogy at Google Play.
Tag: werewolf fiction
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99-cent Kindle Fantasy – Sorcerers, Bounty Hunters, and Werewolves Battle in 16th Century Europe
He wanted to dismiss Thal as a lying trickster but he could sense the werelord’s honesty. He had a strange purity of heart unknown to Rotfeng.
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Werewolves in the Renaissance Audiobooks at Kobo and Barnes and Noble Nook
You can now listen to the adventures of the werewolf hero Thal as he battles…
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‘Fear will make the magic greater.’ Werewolf Castle Video Preview and Excerpt
Listen to an excerpt from historical fantasy novel Werewolf Castle as Thal prepares to make more werewolves.
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Werewolf Castle Historical Fantasy Audiobook Now Live at Google Play
Get the $0.99 audiobook version of Werewolf Castle at Google Play. With this installment, the Werewolves in the Renaissance historical fantasy trilogy is now completely available in audio.