He wanted to dismiss Thal as a lying trickster but he could sense the werelord’s honesty. He had a strange purity of heart unknown to Rotfeng.

Deep in the process of editing my new Sci Fi manuscript
I managed to write a novel despite big demands on my time.

Toxic love, frightening power drive plot of Love Lost on sale in the Kindle Store
Dacian embraces Onja’s dark inspirations and helps twist the flesh of captives into powerful new beasts.

Werewolves in the Renaissance Audiobooks at Kobo and Barnes and Noble Nook
You can now listen to the adventures of the werewolf hero Thal as he battles…

Kindle Fantasy Sale – You Either Fight for the Goddess or Against Her in ‘New Religion’
Kindle Fantasy Sale December 2023 If you’re in the grip of the Rys Rising series,…

‘Fear will make the magic greater.’ Werewolf Castle Video Preview and Excerpt
Listen to an excerpt from historical fantasy novel Werewolf Castle as Thal prepares to make more werewolves.

Immersive, Action-Heavy Epic Fantasy Kindle Sale
Savage Storm Epic Fantasy 99-cents for Kindle Enter Month of November For the entirety of…

Werewolf Castle Historical Fantasy Audiobook Now Live at Google Play
Get the $0.99 audiobook version of Werewolf Castle at Google Play. With this installment, the Werewolves in the Renaissance historical fantasy trilogy is now completely available in audio.
How to Play Craps Audiobook Now Available
When I was a craps dealer in Las Vegas, Nevada, I had to explain to…
Audiobook Production Starts for Get Dicey
Falbe Publishing announces audiobook production for Get Dicey: Play Craps and Have Fun.