My current pick for a Kindle discount is Journey of the Hunted. Like each book in the Werewolves in the Renaissance series, I designed the story to satisfy as a stand-alone novel.
In this installment, Thal and his new wife Altea must flee Prague and attempt to reach his father’s castle near the frontiers of the Ottoman Turks.
Thal, as the notorious “Butcher of Prague,” is pursued by bounty hunters, eager to collect the reward for bringing him to justice, which in this era means torture and execution.
But the minions of human authority are the least of Thal’s concerns. His father has a nemesis, a terrible sorcerer named Tekax. Fearful that Thal’s rising supernatural powers will threaten him, Tekax creates a loathsome undying creature to pursue and kill Thal.
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Excerpt from Werewolf Novel “Journey of the Hunted”
“Lackey of Tekax,” Mileko added coldly.
“He wouldn’t even have you,” Rotfeng snarled.
“I’m too good for him,” Mileko said.
“Sarputeen has deluded you,” Rotfeng said.
“Enough!” Thal declared, weary of their quarreling. “I’m honored by the introduction, Rotfeng, but what do you really want to talk about?”
“Nothing more. I wanted us to know each other so we can be proper adversaries,” Rotfeng said.
“Oh we’re proper adversaries,” Thal agreed sarcastically. “And if this is some attempt to intimidate me, you’re failing.”
“The hunt is on, Thal son of Sarputeen. After a bit of inconvenience I managed to convince the fools chasing me that I was not Thal Lesky because I bear letters from respected nobles and possess no enchanted fur as you are known to have,” Rotfeng said.
Thal suspected that Tekax must have arranged for his assassin to possess letters of introduction from prestigious sources. This warned him that a network was linked to his father’s nemesis.
“Yes, my precious fur,” Thal murmured and drew aside his cloak so that Rotfeng could glimpse it. The assassin’s eyes glittered greedily.
“It won’t work for you,” Thal said and flicked his cloak over the fur.
“Tekax can fix that,” Rotfeng said.
“Are you certain?” Thal criticized.
Rotfeng said nothing, so Thal continued, “Why not go to the man who can make one for you? Why be the enemy of he who can give you the control you desire?”
The offer startled Rotfeng and upset Mileko, who said, “Sarputeen would not have this rogue who is forever sullied by his groveling service to Tekax.”
Thal held up a hand to silence Mileko. “Rotfeng, my father might help you. I’ll speak to him on your behalf.”
“Are you trying to tempt me to betray my master?” Rotfeng asked.
“I’m trying to make you consider the possibilities. I understand your desire, but I prefer not to kill you defending my fur. Why not join me instead?” Thal said.
The offer staggered Rotfeng. There could be no peace between Sarputeen and Tekax. He agreed with Mileko that Sarputeen would refuse him on principle. He wanted to dismiss Thal as a lying trickster but he could sense the werelord’s honesty. He had a strange purity of heart unknown to Rotfeng.
“You’ve been in the woods too long,” Rotfeng sneered and forced aside the appeal of Thal’s proposal. “I’ll not betray my master for any reason, least of all your dreams and wishes.”
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